

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

DimOnion - Star Trek

I never watched the show much, so it was hard to come up with much.  Still, these have been sitting around on my hard drive, and I like a couple of them.

Ok, so this card used to be a Pawn with the reaction.  This was on purpose, and part of the joke.  But then people on the forums complained that a card isn't allowed to do exactly what another card does and then have more, not even in the world of fan cards, because people are insane on the internet.  But I changed it anyway, and maybe for the better - when you don't trash it, it's super-derpy, but then it has not one, but *two* ways that you can trash it for a benefit, making it a card you might actually play even without Attack cards on the board.  Weakening the connection to Pawn a little while strengthening the "this card is for dying" theme was better than a fair trade, and I like this card a lot more than Moat.  The only time I'd get Moat over this is if multiple attacks in a single turn are inevitable, but even then, I'm not happy about having to get a Moat.

A "blind Forge".  I went through a lot of variants before settling on this one.  It was tough.  In the end, the "up to two" clause sort of makes it bearable.  If you're scared, you can just LaForge two cards and gain them right back again if necessary (assuming those piles aren't empty...).  If you're feeling lucky, though, you can just play it as a blind Forge that costs $1 less to gain.

A Wharf pun.  This card makes reference to the Attack card type in a way that makes it a pretty useless card in the absence of Attack cards, unlike any other Dominion card.  This dangerously approached the territory of the Magic: the Gathering universe where every other card only affects White Kobolds, but oh well.  Hey, Rats is allowed to exist, and that card's beyond horrible without a strong trash-for-benefit card on the board, so I think this is fair.

He's really trendy these days on the internets.  A play on Steward, Stewart is all of those things at the same time.  Anyway, this is a strong mid-game card, sort of like a terminal double Junk Dealer.  But you might need to trash it later.  You often could be better off with an early Chapel or Steward, but if you're getting hit with junk attacks, this card is probably a great way to hang in to the end.

Anyway, other than that, I have cards for The Bridge, Borg, Scotty, and Number One, but they're not the best, and don't have images yet.

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