

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

DimOnion - Halloween Highlights

The Halloween set has some nice cards, and some annoying cards.  But overall the set is just too thin, and there is too much trashing.  I was a bit boxed in by trying to make every card's effects be as on-theme as possible, and the result was sometimes wonky.  Worse still, the prevalence of trashing causes some of the cards like Mummy to be more or less worthless.  Luckily the case is more or less old-school to the point where they wouldn't feel too uncomfortable hanging out with vanilla Dominion cards, but at the moment, an all-Halloween kingdom isn't that great.

Some of the cards are pretty cool, though.  My favorite is probably Full Moon, but it can only be used in a kingdom with at least one Attack.

There's a chance that it should cost $6, but it's a pretty dangerous big-turn card.  The riskiness of needing to draw a bunch of terminal actions in one try might justify the $5 cost, though.

I had to fix a typo I didn't even see until now.  The penalty is almost trivial with decent trashing on the board.  Otherwise it's a next-turn Knight variant with a Silver bane - as such, it's a fairly swingy card, but probably balanced.  Sticking with the theme leads to lots of little text, but it's sort of a fun card, and it's the reason Full Moon came about in the first place.  (I should probably change it grant +1 card if you play it on a Full Moon turn, though.)

A pretty balanced card overall, it's a sort of Bishop-Masquerade mix which doesn't have the potential to do "worse than nothing" (not counting the case of players with empty hands).  It might be a little strong for $4, and it definitely leads to games where junk attacks have a hard time working.

A weird Rats variant (this one also comes in a stack of 20) that can potentially be useful even in games with no trashing cards.  I kept it on theme, though - Zombies want to eat people and make copies first, then they'll eat anything that's not a Zombie (but no new zombies gained), and they die if there's nothing to destroy.  Naturally, you get VP for killing them.  
I'm really bad with this card.  I always lose when it's out, whether I buy it or someone else does.  It's really finnicky, but not an ignorable card.  Sometimes you can just Zombie your deck out and then run out Estates or something silly, but it helps to have a third pile of $2 actions to run out while you're at it.

The others...

Sexy Scout is a Scout-Harem mix for the lulz.  Are you a girl?  Is it Halloween?  Any, they don't combo at all with themselves, so you might not want more than one early on, if ever.

Bat is sort of derpy, a self-wishing Wishing Well that is also a mild pest.

Igor and Frankenstein's Monster may need a little more work.

I want to like Mummy, but it's dead on a full Halloween board, largely because of Vampire and Igor.

And Ghost leads to really complicated turns with endless rule-checking; I have no idea how to redeem it.

And that's it for now.  I'm pondering things like Kraken, Monster Hunter, and Warlock, but I need a lot more.  Still kind of stuck though.  I might want to take this on in earnest again in a couple months.  It's already been 8 months or so...

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