

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Sanguine Kingdoms - first glimpse at a raw prototype

Hey. So I told you that I was learning Flash very slowly... take a look:

Below is an un-animated gif, but the flash file on deviantart includes a little bit of animation for the highlighted square for a little visual appeal.

I'm leaving the art in its serviceable-but-mediocre state for now because I'm certain that I have months of programming ahead of me at the very least.

Below is a copy of what I said about it at the DeviantArt page:

Hey everyone,

This is going to be my first Flash game. I just started reading about Flash and ActionScript 3.0 a few months ago, and have only started working with Flash Pro a few weeks ago.

[Tech stuff: Also, it's only been about a week that I've moved toward programming in a document class ( rather than on the .fla timeline.]

There is no interactivity as of yet, but this .swf file does use a prototype of a tile-laying function, as well as "Character" objects having the usual bundle of stats, though you can't "do anything with them" yet because no interactivity has been implemented yet. So far, the only character stat used is the tile positions, which are used to place the characters on the desired tile as seen here.

The highlighted tile is occupied by a minotaur, and the other character is the ironically-named Sylvara Moonbow. (She does not use bows ever.)

Thursday, January 16, 2014

I've slowly been learning Flash


That's an animated gif. The Flash movie version has the same content, only it looks better. See it on DeviantArt.

I also have an animated logo for DimOnion on DeviantArt. I would like to add sound to both soon, but I have hardware issues that I'll have to resolve first.

Not much in this post content-wise when it comes to gaming, but I would like to turn my Flash skills in that direction.

Eventually. Someday. Maybe.

P.S. - The Insider may or may not be OP as it stands now. I do know that it's probably still worth buying sometimes even if it costs $5, and that it slows the game waaaaaay down if it costs $4, so I'll probably test it as a $5 card and update accordingly. There may also be an issue with Job Creator having the potential to perpetually bankrupt players who fall behind in a four-player game, which is a Very Bad Thing I'll Have To Think About. Sorry for the lack of updates, hypothetical readers!